October 9, 2004 - Port done (holy cow) |
The long awaited *cough* NUON port of Decaying Orbit is finally
done! Download it here.
Also be sure to check out my
proposal for the future.
August 28, 2002 - Porting to NUON |
I have begun porting Decaying Orbit to the NUON platform. You can
follow the progress at the DSI
main page.
November 7, 2001 - Haitus continues, but for how long? |
With the recent release of the
NUON SDK I am tempted to port
Decaying Orbit over to that platform. My time is currently occupied
with my current project (see the
Insider for details).
However, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of revisiting Decaying
Orbit when that's done. The response I've gotten from people that
have played DO has been fabulous. I'd love to continue work on it,
especially on a more powerful, less restricted platform.
February 23, 2000 - Decaying Orbit on haitus |
After a brief flurry of activity on the new version of Decaying
Orbit, I've decided to move on. One of the stimulus for this decision
is the fact that OPSM will no longer be carrying Yaroze games on their
cover disc. With no hope of getting an updated version to you folks
outside the Yaroze community, my drive for finishing it just isn't
Most of all, though, I just need to do something else. I may come
back to D.O. at some point, but for now it's time close up shop.
I'd like to redirect your attentions to
DragonShadow Insider. That is where I will post any updates on
new creations, and where I might ramble on about what game I'm
currently playing. :)
As a parting farewell gift, a made a brief movie showing the
polygonal planets as they stand now. Check it out.
DOPolygon.avi (2.2MB)
September 1, 1999 - Work progresses |
Just in case visitors of this Decaying Orbit site weren't aware, I
also have a separate site where I post general progress reports on
whatever I'm working. It's called the
DragonShadow Insider.
Right now I'm working on the next version of Decaying Orbit. It will
be much improved, much bigger, and a more complete game. I can't say
*how* much bigger since I'm currently running into RAM limitations.
August 28, 1999 - More cheats |
They're here! Pop on over to the
cheats section to get the latest
ones. Included this time are the Super Laser, the Auto All Bonus, and
I still have more stuff to put up in other sections. It may or may
not be of interest to people, but I want to include it anyway to fill
out the site. This includes: descriptions of the remaining levels,
boss description and strategies, object information (planets, nebulas,
etc), and anything else I can think of. I also
take requests :).
August 25, 1999 - Flight training |
I added a new section to the site. Go to "The Game" and you'll see
it. Called "General Tips", this section lists some techniques I have
discovered to be useful while playing. Jump on
over and check it out.
August 22, 1999 - Levels 11-16 available |
Descriptions of the next set of levels are available in the
Sparrj Levels section. These
cover the moderate difficulty levels. You reach these by taking the
second exit at level 5. Did you find them?
August 10, 1999 - OPSM here we are! |
Wow, once again it's been quite a while!
I see by the sudden spurt of emails I've been getting that the
OPSM issue with Decaying Orbit is now available. Yay! Thank you to
everyone that's written me with the kind words. Since there's been
a few requests for more cheats, you can now find more in the
cheats section. There are still a
few more to come, however. I'll add the remaining ones soon!
Now that the game is available to everyone (in the UK at least) I
need to get off my butt (or should I say "bum") and update everything
on the site. Look for more frequent updates in the coming weeks.
I've received a couple notes that people find the game difficult.
I realize this. Most of the difficulty arises just from the nature of
the game - having to deal with inertia and gravitational forces.
Trust me though, once you get comfortable with controlling the craft
it becomes much easier (plus, once you upgrade your engine system
the craft becomes more responsive). It will still be difficult to get
the "All Bonus" (especially with the Insane times), but if it weren't
there wouldn't be much incentive to keep trying to improve :).
July 21, 1999 - OPSM here we come |
Wow, has it been that long? Sorry for the lack of updates. That
will change in a month or so when Decaying Orbit gets put on
the cover disc of OPSM. Once the issue hits the stands I'll be adding
more stuff here. In the meantime, have a look around if you haven't
June 6, 1999 - Getting warmed up |
The first set of levels are up in the
Sparrj section. That's only about
half of them though. Have you found the others?
Also, I put up a few cheats in the
Cheats section.
May 25, 1999 (take 2) - Once more with feeling |
Okay! The files are now available on the official server. I'm
afraid the SCEE people will have to wait until it gets mirrored over
there. Here they are:
NTSC (514k)
PAL (515k)
For SCEE (once available):
NTSC (514k)
PAL (515k)
If you happened to pick up the version I posted before I would
encourage you to grab these. I made a couple minor tweaks to the
game in the interim.
I will be gone for about a week starting tomorrow so there won't be
any updates until next Wednesday at the earliest.
May 25, 1999 - Gallery open to public |
I copied the latest screen shots from the
Insider to the
Gallery here. I also added two new shots.
May 23, 1999 - Open for business |
Hello! This is the official Decaying Orbit™ web site. Here you'll
find an online manual (necessary in the event that the game gets put
on a demo disc), information about the levels themselves, strategies,
and tips on how to use the level editor. More will be added over time
(including source code).
If you don't have it already, you can grab the demo here in either
NTSC (514k)
PAL (515k)
form. For those visiting from the outside (non-Yaroze members), sorry
but these won't do you much good. The only way to play the game right
now is with a Yaroze.
I've taken the online-manual portion of this web site and packaged
it up for downloading. It is
here (232k). Also, should
you wish to take screenshots within the game (see the manual to find
out how) you will need
this utility (37k). It
converts the captured log file to a RAW image (640x480).