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Sparrj Levels

I've gotten some comments that the Insane times are ridiculous. Heh heh heh. I know! It took me many many many (did I say many?) tries to get them. Rest assured I did in fact do it and they are possible.

The low Insane times are actually deceiving. You see, when you destroy an enemy or activate a beacon you reduce the ellapsed time by a number of seconds. So just because the Insane bonus says "2 secs" doesn't mean I finished the level in just 2 seconds! It means that after destroying all enemies and activating all beacons, the clock was only 2 seconds less than what it started at.

Easy Difficulty Levels

Sparrj Level 1

The first level helps you get acquainted with controlling your craft. There are no beacons or enemies. Simply fly from the home planet to the target.

Time Bonus: 7 sec

Insane Bonus: 5 sec

Target Opening: Automatic

Sparrj Level 2

Introducing nebulas. The red nebulas you will encounter on this level will decelerate you. If you feel you are trapped in the nebula try waiting for your thrust power to recharge before attempting to escape. You also might need to rotate since you might be fighting planetary gravity as well as the nebula.

Also new to this level are beacons. Activate the two beacons here by flying next to them or shooting them in order to gain the Beacon Bonus.

Time Bonus: 5 sec

Insane Bonus: 2 sec

Target Opening: Automatic

Sparrj Level 3

The enemy is here! You must now fight for the target planet to open. Destroy the required number of turrets in order to activate the target. Don't forget about the beacons! Are you good enough to get the All Bonus?

Time Bonus: 11 sec

Insane Bonus: 3 sec

Target Opening: Destroy 2 out of the 3 turrets

Sparrj Level 4: Shop

Sparrj Level 5

There are a couple surprises lurking in this level. The green nebulae make things difficult as they accelerate you instead of slowing you down.

Time Bonus: 25 sec

Insane Bonus: 7 sec

Target #1 Opening: Destroy 3 out of the 5 turrets

Target #2 Opening: Destroy all 5 turrets (leads to level 11)

Sparrj Level 6

Your first encounter with a moon. Try not to hit it as you activate the beacons. You will encounter a new turret type here as well. Beware, its shield is much stronger than the previous types.

Time Bonus: 19 sec

Insane Bonus: 3 sec

Target Opening: Destroy all turrets

Sparrj Level 7

Lots of turrets abound. Try not to get caught in a cross-fire. Approach them from above or below so you can tackle them one or two at a time.

Time Bonus: 20 sec

Insane Bonus: 2 sec

Target Opening: Destroy all turrets

Sparrj Level 8: Shop

Sparrj Level 9

The fourth turret type is here. Also, a large planet produces strong gravity to make your flight more perilous. This level also introduces the purple nebulae. These push your craft in a specific direction.

Time Bonus: 28 sec

Insane Bonus: 5 sec

Target Opening: Destroy all turrets

Sparrj Level 10

Beware the mines! Destroy them before you get close enough to set them off. Another large planet and green nebulae make things difficult.

Time Bonus: 60 sec

Insane Bonus: 5 sec

Target Opening: Destroy the 5 southern-most turrets

Moderate Difficulty Levels

Sparrj Level 11

A couple of bonus systems lurk here if you can find them.

Time Bonus: 30 sec

Insane Bonus: 2 sec

Target Opening: Destroy all turrets

Sparrj Level 12

A rather large level with a couple rather large planets.

Time Bonus: 30 sec

Insane Bonus: 2 sec

Target Opening: Destroy all turrets

Sparrj Level 13: Shop

Sparrj Level 14

This level is tricky if you don't have an updated engine system. The nebulas will keep you flying where you don't want to go.

Time Bonus: 15 sec

Insane Bonus: 2 sec

Target #1 Opening: Destroy these four turrets: L2 turret on far right, L3 turret on top near home planet, L3 turret on bottom near big planet, L2 turret on far left

Target #2 Opening: Same as Target #1 (oops...that's a bug :) ) (leads to level 17)

Sparrj Level 15

This level is pretty large. It's nice to have some room to fly around without worrying about going off the edge.

Time Bonus: 30 sec

Insane Bonus: 6 sec

Target Opening: Destroy all L3 and L4 turrets

Sparrj Level 16

Another somewhat large level. This is the last level before the boss in the moderate difficulty.

Time Bonus: 31 sec

Insane Bonus: 12 sec

Target Opening: Destroy the L4 turret and the two turrets in the bottom right corner (L2 & L3).

Hard Difficulty Levels

To be added...