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The enemies in Time Pilot '84 are plentiful. Some enemies change
their appearance each level while others stay the same. A couple new
enemies are introduced in the later levels, although they're not
terribly difficult.
"Green" enemy
100 pts
"Gray" enemy
500 pts
200 pts
I'm not sure what their official name is, but I call these
guys tanks. They rove around the landscape occasionally firing
at you. Since they are on the ground you can fly over them
without harm. Missiles are required to kill tanks. They move
in patterns, mostly on the roads, but also on the terrain
outside the city.
They're not too difficult to destroy and will come back to
life when you are killed.
100 pts/enemy 1,000-3,000 pts/all
Formations make their return in this game. Destroy all five
enemies before they go off the screen and you'll earn big points.
Your standard shot will take these guys out.
This is somewhat easier than in the original Time Pilot since
as long as they remain on the screen you can take as long as you
like to destroy the formation. In the previous game, if you did
not destroy all of them quickly they would become normal enemies
and lose their bonus.
Rather than being worth 2,000 points like the original, you
are awarded on an increasing scale. The first formation
destroyed earns you 1,000 points. The second is 2,000. The
third and every one thereafter give you 3,000. I guess
formations in this game are a combination of both the
formations and parachuters from the previous game.
Tank Formation
500 pts/tank 8,000 pts/all
There's a second kind of tank. They come in a group of eight
and move in a set formation. Like the standard tank you can fly
over them and they can only be destroyed by your missiles.
If you can manage to destroy all eight tanks you get 8,000
points! This is easier said than done, however. The tanks fire
quite often, making dodging their shots very difficult.
Personally I avoid them altogether - it's not worth the risk of
getting killed. If you die before destroying them, all eight
tanks return to life.
The tanks' location and formation changes every level (plus
they do not appear in every level). In the first level you will
find them immediately north-west of where you start. Visit the
world map section to see their
Reader Chris B. sent along a good strategy for taking out
the first level tank formation. It worked for me!
Fly straight up the screen at the start of the game - then
turn 90 degrees left when you reach the road that the tanks
drive along, ensuring that your ship is centred directly above
the road so you're flying straight toward the tanks. Most of
the bullets that the tanks fire will miss your ship (they
mainly go above or below you) - the main risk is being shot by
other ships so you may need to weave up and down a little. If
your timing is good with your missiles you can take out all
the tanks in a single bombing run.
Bonus Formation
500 pts/enemy 8,000 pts/all
There's another type of formation composed of five enemies
that look like your ship from the original Time Pilot. They
can only be destroyed by your missiles. If you manage to kill
them all you get a whopping 8,000 points!
Since they do not fire they are definitely worth going
after. However, they fly faster than your ship so you need
to approach them correctly to ensure you can obtain a lock on
all five. The best way is to ride side-by-side with them
until they get slightly past you. Then slide in behind them
and waste them all quickly (before they fly out of the reach
of your missile lock).
They seem to only appear at one specific location in each
level - I have seen them in levels 1, 4, and 7. For example,
when starting the game fly directly east and you will
encounter them. Visit the
world map section for the
location of each one.
Special Bonus
5,000 pts
There are hidden targets scattered around the map. When
you get close enough one will appear and you will lock onto
it. If you fire a missile soon enough you will destroy it
for 5,000 points! See the
world map section for locations
of all eight.
You may destroy these targets in any level. Once they
are destroyed they no longer appear on subsequent levels.
If you accidentally activate one, but do not destroy it you
will need to wait until the next level before you can
activate it again.
1-up Bonus
Extra Life
Destroy this little plane and you'll earn an extra life.
They can only be killed by missiles.
I have only seen the plane appear in one spot on
both level 2 and level 8 (same place both times). It's
a good idea to head there and grab it while you can.
See the
world map section for
the exact location.
5,000 pts
After you destroy enough green enemies the boss will appear.
Unlike in the original Time Pilot, it only takes one shot to
kill it. The trick is that it has to be a missile and so you
must obtain a lock first. This usually isn't too difficult.
If you're brave (insane) enough you can fly straight at it, get
a lock, fire a missile, and destroy the boss before you crash
into it.
The boss fires multiple missiles which home in on you. They
aren't too dangerous, however, because you can destroy them
with your standard shot.
One odd behavior is that the boss will only appear after all
gray enemies have gone away (either by destroying them or going
off the edge of the screen). I'm not sure if this was a
technical limitation (limited number of sprites on screen) or
just a design decision.
Mini-boss Minelayer
1,000 pts
These guys don't start appearing until level 3. They fly
vertically up the screen, dropping a batch of mines behind
them. They can be destroyed with a missile.
The mines they drop spread out in a circle. They spread
slowly in the early levels, but speed up later on. Still
they are not much of a threat.
Mini-boss Missile Launcher
1,000 pts
These appear starting on level 6. Like the mine layer, they fly
veritcally up the screen. Rather than mines, they fire multiple
missiles which home in on you. Like the boss' missiles they can be
shot by your standard bullets.
These are bit more dangerous than the mine layers due to the
homing missiles. Go after them if it's convenient.
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by Konami, the makers of this outstanding game.